[This Blog is written for "Blogadda Contest:My First Crush"]
A first crush, a feeling that creeps up in some part of your heart and either sinks down to your stomach and is digested like a good food or else climbs up your head, then unraveling madness strikes you.
This feeling did not anyhow struck me at the age of nineteen for before that I never knew anything that could be so exciting, dangerous and occupying at the same time.
My first crush happened to be a girl in second year of my college. A hearty soul, a paradigm divine. I had been shifted from section B in my college to Section A (reader do not consider it a promotion, as sections were allotted on first admission basis, though it brought an advancement in my hearts life).
I did not know of such a soul as Sonia existed in any universe- this or parallel. But to my surprise it did. I saw her a week after college had started, for I was late in rejoining. She sat on the middle row front bench that day. I could not have helped noticing her, well who can with a person present who is not only beauty but a witting mind for which not many in female sect are famous. She has an every ready comment for everything.
The first lecture of second year (well, for me at least) was in proceeding. My phone rang in between and I was all in shock for I thought it was on silent mode and hence had not effort-ed to bother a check. The preposterous rings (which happened to be “Addicted” by Enrique on my newly bought Sony K700i) were accompanied by a comment (which enchanted me ever till now) “Show-off”.
I looked to my right front at the middle front bench from where the comment came. Well a woman so confident to comment aloud in middle of a running class, when even the professor wasn’t bothered, engorged me.
At this point I must also tell about Nidhi. She was with me in Section B and we were transferred together with others like Shreya (another beauty in our session, who somehow was never single from the first year itself-well good options are always pre occupied) and others. Nidhi and I used to hang out too much (which was strictly studies I assure).But as it is that people won’t leave a good friendship of two opposite sexes unblemished and rumor had it, we were girl-friend and boy-friend within months in our first year itself (Crap!!). And as bad name flies faster than wind or may be at the peculiar same speed it had reached in Section A, or I wonder every body in all sections knew about it.
By now I had advanced in talking to my assaulter on the first day of second year. In front of her I was like a first year being ragged. I had secured in asking her for her cell phone number. Sonia had friends like her. Manika, a girl with enthusiastic retort for every reasonable utterance. Divya, with all hearts of making everybody smile and not to speak of her fights with professors. I wonder how, but they made a good pair for a jostling happening life.
Well as nature has it, Nidhi was being stalked about the same question about whether I was her boy-friend. This time it was the goddess herself along with group. This just in progress when I reached college and Nidhi begged to be rescued. Well it was hard, with a figurine of Aphrodite in front of me, but I managed to deny the very fact that I even know Nidhi. A curious cat does not stay calm when she smells fish. And like it they wont stop. So I claimed girl-as-a-friend Apostle. Sonia said “We don’t know of such a thing and a girlfriend is a kissy-wissy thing only”. Hearing it, I do not know was it butterflies or rats, but something kicked and I replied “Well it’s not the case and so she is not mine. If you want I could be yours.” and hurried from the corridor as quickly as the words came.
The next and most of my grueling in this first or last crush was at my apartment. I have shifted in my second year with friends Pranjal and Anant in separate sections of same course. They both are witness to a long process of a liter hearts romance turning into and obsession and finally settling around somewhere between stomach and mind.
At points it became so delightful to visit college in view to look at her but nothing fanciful. I wonder if I could have been used as a pawn and sometimes wonder it would have felt great if I had been. Well I deposited exam fees for her and friends, and it felt great don’t know why-does that count?
The point of my obsession reached so high that I messaged her of my hearts state at night and even denied looking at her the next morning. Well guess that could be something that this crush is still so and has stayed alive somewhat in these four past years.
It wasn’t a filmy story which ends good and then of course nobody talks of post-love life for the people. Well nobody wants to hear that and this post it not about it either. Well it is a good hearts memory and I do not know how it reads when I have mouthed it.
Life's tribulations I suppose. I too remember a time when I had a good friend, pretty much like your Nidhi. Rumours started circulating us too, and I was so vulnerable at the time I had stopped talking to her, which led to some painful moments later...not all of life's scenes can be Kodak moments. :)
:) seriously....
People don't stop ...just don't ...
Hmmmmmm.....happens to everybody.U wrote so well that I think everybody can connect his/story to college/Teen life:-)Amit was my first crush but never did I speak to him.My story ended even before it started.HAHAHA.
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